Could this really be called a "Culture" issue? I am talking about modern day crave/rave for pleasure. Pain or anything that has to do with the cross/suffering is fought against and eliminated at all costs. Minimizing is no longer acceptable. In modern medicine, the pangs of birth and death are almost completely a non-issue. Sometime ago, some holy persons were known/said to die in the ardour of sanctity; these souls pass on very peacefully/quietly. Today this time of exit from this life, is chemicalized and or commercialized with drugs that eliminate that which even Christ divinized/shared. Pain. When Jesus cried from the cross: "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani..." they thought he was asking for "a drink"; they offered him some pain relieving stuff: He politely declined/refused it. The God-Man wanted to go the whole length of His redeeming death. I, indeed sometimes wonder if I am getting crazy about this "God-talk". Sure, I am not. I am in full control of my sanity. Again, it is clear to me I am not a sadist: however I have some concerns about the rate at which we sell/buy into the hedonism that is plaguing our society. Perhaps it began from the Western hemisphere and spreading like wild fire, or perhaps from the Eastern. I do not know; God knows. It appears we are being overtaken by the jingles of TV/Radio/Newspaper ads. Think of the: "play, laugh, grow" advertisement that is directed to the kids. What is wrong in: "pray, laugh, grow"? Is it any wonder that the moral fabric of society is being eroded? I imagine God alone has an answer, but we've got to help Him to help us. I do not know; God knows. Should I keep my eyes shut and mouth sealed for the reason that "I am no better than the society I 'criticize'"? That will not be godly/prudent a stance. I believe the more I play the "prophet" to society in whose life I share, the harder my judgment will be. I am not afraid, though. I do all in love and concern, in the hope that God is ready to help each and all to achieve that for which we were made - heaven. A future blog story of "The python and the squirrel" may throw some light to this concern I have. In that life in/with God, we will play best, laugh best and grow completely into the Divine.
Native American dance: Native Americans performing the matachina dance
-- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Native American dance: Native Americans performing the matachina dance --
Britannica Online Encyclopedia
16 years ago