This saintly 18+ year old young man Zachary, needs all our prayers and support; so her exceptionally caring and loving mother, Cindy. As of July 2006 he has had no less than 23 surgical procedures. Indeed "A Living Victim", a co-victim with Christ Jesus. He has come to understand he does, like St Paul, fill up in his little body what is wanting in the Passion of Christ for the sake of His Body, the Church. Zachary joyfully suffers with perfect resignation. In his pains Zachary lets his smile and giggles console and edify you, as you visit to console him. What an exemplary victim!!!
1 comment:
Cindy Kraft said...
I am the mother of this young man and the friend of Father Ukachukwu and I am a very lucky person to have both of these people in my life. To God Almighty be all praise and all thanksgiving for He has done wonderful things in my life. God is so good to us esp. in times of trial and tribulation. It is in those times that He is our Abba Father, who gives us peace that surpasses all understanding. God is great; God is good. Blessings to all that read these words.
Cindy Kraft
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